
27 April, 2006

No one has a fucking clue, and those who do get paid the least

It’s great working for a company where decisions are made that affect everyone without anyone being informed of said decisions, or how to implement them.
Now everyday senior colleagues come and ask me how things should be done, and although I should take that as a positive, it’s fucking bullshit because I am always the last to be told how and why things are done. And then they have the fucking audacity to ask questions about my productivity. Of course my numbers are down when I spend all day at work serving as an overflow tray for all the work my bosses haven’t got time to do; teaching neurotic junior colleagues how to do my job (without being told really why or what I’m meant to take over); moving fucking furniture around; emptying recycle bins; and explaining processes I have never been taught to people who should know them. What really pisses me off is the fact that the top brass have no fucking clue how things get done; they just issue the orders and expect everyone to be in the know. Maybe we would be if the management structure and the communication within the management structure were even remotely intelligent and productive. It’s a fucking joke. I stick my neck out and take initiative, but get no credit and my pay is so laughable it’s almost not funny. All my colleagues show up at 9.30 and leave at 5.30 promptly every day. If something outside the remit of their job description creeps up, they just sit there like limp turds and wait for someone else (i.e. me) to try and fix it. Twats. I’m supposed to teach a procedure to a colleague of mine. I found a problem with a piece of software we use, and asked my superior if he knew who originally set up the templates for the software so we could remedy the situation BEFORE I have to pass on the knowledge (thinking I would give my junior colleague a break and make it easier for them to learn). My manager just replied “I have no clue. Sorry don’t know.” Great fucking help, and great fucking management skills. So where do I go from here? Unless I take a crash course in software programming, it is unlikely that I’ll be able to fix the problem. But I will get the shit if it takes too long to pass on the knowledge or if my colleague breaks down crying (which happens a lot, too). All this means I’ll have to spend more time explaining the procedure and subsequently less time doing what I’m hired to do. Maybe that is what happens when you make morons with no inter-personal skills managers. Whatever the reason, I feel like a twat. I’m not the fucking errand boy of the company. This company sucks, and in all honesty I’m amazed anything gets done. Idiots with master’s degrees surround me and there’s not an intelligent thought in sight.



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