
24 January, 2016

It’s Sunday 24 January 2016

1723 hours.
@Asminderødgade. Suicidal. Of course. Dreading the week coming up. Dreading anything to do with the future. Dreading being alive. I hate myself and the person I am. I never feel in control off myself, or my life. And I feel that the only way I can get control is by slitting my wrists, and let my life fade out with the blood pouring from my arms. Alone. Cowardly. 
Next weekend I am going on a skiing trip with my company in Sweden. Dreading that, too. But it is too late to pull out now. Die die die die,
1827 hours. 
Can I end it tonight? Can I summon the fucking balls to do it tonight? I don’t want to be alive tomorrow. Or next year. Or ever.
1957 hours. 
Fuck everything. I’m still here, despite all my stress, worries, anxieties, fears, indifference, despair, hopelessness. In 113 days I will be forty years old. Fuck that. I have 113 days to either: begin to live life my way, without giving a shit about what my surroundings think (which I fucking hate caring about, but I do), or commit suicide. 113 days to my ultimatum. I’m just gonna get wasted now. Fuck tomorrow. Fuck life. Fuck me.

20 February, 2012


Well, well.... what a surpirse. I am still fucking everything up. Behind with all kinds of work. Gonna lose all my assignments soon, most likely. I just want to hide away, disappear, have no contact with the world ever again. I’m in pain, and it is pathetic. I am loser of epic proportions. Why am I so paralysed? Why am I such a fucking loser? Well I know why. The real question is, why am I such a coward? I have no backbone what so ever. The only thing I want from life is for it to end. That power is 100% within my control. So why am I still here? Because I am such a massive fucking coward. Too scared to get on with life, too scared to end it. Purgatory. My existence is a luxury problem.

My existence is a luxury problem.

And I hate myself for it. When I walk the streets all I think is how I am separate from this world, separate in terms of emotions, separate in terms of dreams and ambitions, separate in terms of everything.

I’m nearly 36. WTF? I don’t want to turn 36. I really don’t want to turn 36. I REALLY DON’T FUCKING WANT TO LIVE!

I never feel in control of my life. Everything piles up and I am letting it, time and time again. It piles up until it feels so out of control that I cant possibly turn it around. Then, after much mental anguish and fuck knows what, i manage to pick up the pieces, tell lies, get everything some 80% back on track, only for it to start all over again.

Every day. Every day I feel like this. Every day I live with my cowardice. Every day I destroy my life just that little bit more.

Empy. Empty and grey. Empyt, grey and hollow. It’s unbearable. Because i am such a coward. Such a  fucking coward. I have no interest in life, I don’t believe in myself anymore. I am stagnating. I have been stagnating for years. I drift along towards the vortex of downwards spiral. I am pathetic, spineless, ungrateful coward. And I will remain so until the day I die. I wish I had the balls to do it today, to do it now. I’d delete all my documents, all my projects, all my diaries, format my computers, destroy all my paintings. I’d clean the flat, tidy and pack everything up, write a note and then do it.

But I never will, because I am such a coward. I am a bad person. I lie, I am selfish, I’m unreliable, I am untrustworthy, I’m.....

It is what it is. And here I am, behind with work, already planning the lies. I lie to myself, I lie to my family (and that hurts about as much as when I tell them the truth), I lie to employers, I lie to friends, I lie to everyone about everything. I am scum. Pathetic, pathetic scum.

I never arrange things, because I can’t deal with thinking about the future.I never arrange anything, because I don’t know where I’ll be, mentally, financially and everything else at any given point. And I guess I don’t trust myself. So nothing happens. I am paralysed. I am a pathetic fucking coward.

27 February, 2011

OK then

My only ambition and dream in life for the last two decades has been to get it over with as quickly as possible. I am not interested in my future. I am not interested in my life. I lie and lie to pretend to the people that care about me that I am OK, that I am staying positive, that I care about what happens tomorrow. I lie because they can't help me and because I don't want them to worry, feel pity, or get involved. For every lie I tell I want all this marginally less. For every lie I tell I become marginally more of a scumbag. If the point of life is surviving and staying alive, the exercise is biologically futile from the start. If the point of life is the struggle to stay alive, then I am incapable of defending it to myself and others. All this bullshit, supposedly made worthwhile by the little things, or the great, watershed moments, all this bullshit is just that. And it will remain so whether I am here to fight it or not. I can't live with that. I can't live with it. I am killing time until it is my time to go, when I should be killing myself. I always was a fucking massive coward, and I still am.
Lies, lies, lies.
I must be mentally ill. I don't feel I am for this world. And it makes existence so infinitely empty. I hate myself for regurgitating these pathetic clichés, I hate myself for not being able to just get on with it, I hate myself for all the lies and the cowardice and the crap.
I find myself gradually losing the power of empathy, or at least the ability to fucking care about other people and their problems, many of which are, in practical terms, much more serious than mine. I worry I have become so cold that I can no longer keep up the lies, that I will one day stop pretending. That I will become fully-fledged sociopathic arsehole. I don't care if people live or die. I don't care about earthquakes or viruses or civil wars or genocide or cancer or rape or murder. I don't care if the human race exists or not. I hate myself because I know the world will always be essentially the same. Because people argue, hurt each other, lie, cheat, steal, dream and hope. Hope of what? We will ALL die. For fuck's sake.
But ultimately I hate myself because I envy you all so. I envy you and your fucking banal bullshit, your emotionally active lives, your meaningless aspirations and unquestionable attitude to our animal instincts of food, shelter and procreation. I envy you and I can never be you.
We all get caught up in the bullshit, it is impossible not to. But when you put it in perspective, it is all so utterly devoid of purpose or rationale. How can you go back after that? To pretend? The depressing irony is of course that I still pretend, too.
Lies, lies, lies.
And so I try to fall asleep, I try to forget about tomorrow. And I know I can't do either. And tomorrow is marginally more shit than today, ad infinitum.

02 January, 2008


Not again.
Last year was utter shit. The year before last was utter shit. The first of week of this year has already been utter shit. Utter. Shit.

'How was your Christmas? Did you have a good break?'

Just fuck off

04 September, 2007

RSS feed this you mutha’!

Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla Blablablablabla

02 July, 2007

Hannad Hasan - What A Tosser

Hooray! Another cunt taken off the streets.
What a prickface. Thinks he is a big man because he carries a knife. He'll soon know what a big man is when he starts his jail sentence. Complete and utter twatface. He is clearly as stupid as he is ugly.

His only redemption is the fact that he was caught "
urinating in front of a teacher".
I hope he gets raped so hard in prison he won't be able to sit down for ten years. They like young cockfaces like him in jail. Hard man my arse. Loser.

On the plus side, his sperm won't soil the human gene pool for quite some time (hopefully never). Look at him. He is pathetic.

Moronic wannabe gangster bastard gets done for murder

01 July, 2007

I hate flying

Stuck at Copenhagen airport. My plane is delayed TWO FUCKING HOURS!!!
My phone has run out of battery and I've got 57% battery left on my laptop.
I was hoping to get back to London in time to buy some hard drugs.
On the plus side I have found a place to get free (yes, FREE) beer. As you go through security a CPH airport, head left until you get to the end. There is a hotdog type stand that sells lager and hotdogs. The beer is self service so I figured, fuck it, i'll help myself. The plastic cups are placed next to the Carlsberg dispenser, and no one seems to notice that I fill up cup after cup. Which I am. And seeing as I have a long wait, I may as well get fucking plastered. 3 pints in 20 minutes and I'm getting very irate. What is the deal about airports anyway? Everyone dresses up to the hilt and walk around like it's the fucking Ritz. Big deal. We're all going somewhere, right? So the airport is no different to any other public place.
Just realised I've sent emails to work and it's Sunday. The beer is working. Additionally, I have two bottles of Gammel Dansk (google it), so chances are I'll be barred from getting on the plane by the time (if at all) it leaves. Yawn.
They just made an announcement for a Christopher Cornell travelling to Norway. Are you thinking what I am thinking? What the hell is Chris Cornell doing here? Unless he is playing an Audioslave gig in Norway and is pissed somewhere in the terminal.

The women, needless to say, provide a welcome distraction.