
13 June, 2005

At least it's a shit summer and I won't be too handicapped by my coke cold

So Monday passed, I 'm still alive and I still have a job; no repercussions whatsoever (apart from the fact that I'm a bit behind, but fuck it, feels good to make it up, knowing that this particular time I didn't totally fuck it up). Just spoke to the Professor; he's still employed as well. Petka didn't have any of his faculties until sometime Sunday afternoon, but he made up all the work in 1 1/2 hours this morning. So the only price we really paid was a physical and mental one, but certainly not a financial one (well apart from the £90 coke). Have we learnt anything? In the long run probably not, but for the next couple of weeks at least! I am ill as an otter, Lee Perry remix on repeat, whatever.


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