
19 July, 2006

But seriously

What the hell are we all doing sitting idly watching a 60-year old nation destroying the world? I am no fan of terrorism, but I am definitely no fan of Israel, the root of all political problems facing the world today. The holocaust happened, of this there can be no denying, but does that give Israeli citizens the right to treat everyone else like second rate human beings? How time changes things.
Western nations are desperately scrambling to evacuate citizens from Lebanon. Instead of this pathetic panic, why don't the West (and I never include Israel in this group) use their muscle and finally tell Israel to show some compassion, rationale and pride and stop their 'mini-imperialist' and quite frankly disgusting policy of using high-tech US weapons to attack innocent civilians? When the allied forces bombed Germany in WW2, did that make the German people rise against their Nazi leaders? No. So why on Earth should it work when Israel try the same tactic on the Middle East? And just in case you are wondering, I am NOT comparing the Middle East to Nazi Germany.
Many cultures people were displaced by Norwegian rule during the Viking age and relocated to modern day Iceland. Should they have a right today to claim Norway as their chosen land? Hardly. Any decision made with the justification of religious belief is stupid, inane and extremely counterproductive. The people who actually believe this drivel are even more mentally bereft.
Religion is the ultimate form of denial. Acts of blatant violence carried out in the name of religion is just plain idiotic. Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. All fucking losers. I can only re-iterate what I've previously said;


When the bible and the Koran where written, people still believed the Earth was flat. Does anyone refute this today? I doubt it. But scores of people still live their lives based on a view of the world concocted before the invention of penicillin.
Move out of the mental dark ages, have some fucking balls to stand on your own without hiding behind the laughable concept of an almighty, BENEVOLENT god. If god is so great, how come so many people suffer?

I say fuck god (in all his or hers permutation) and face the facts. We're all going to die, god or no god. Deal with it, but don't kill innocent people in the process.
Surely any god justifying this must be an undesirable master whose teachings should be questioned to the point of dispute. .
Move on.

18 July, 2006

yo blair!

17 July, 2006

Isn't it time someone told Israel to stop destroying the world?

Don't really know where to start. Every week something happens in the Middle East or Asia that makes me think, right this time it will really kick off. And yet although an escalation of some sort is undeniably taking place, I am still waiting for that flint to hit the gunpowder much in the same way as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand provided the catalyst for world war one and consequently world war two. When I say waiting I don't' mean I rub my hands in glee at the prospect. I'm cynical but not evil. I do however expect there to be some singular event which finally makes the water boil and all hell breaks loose. I may be wrong, it may just be gradual escalation. Time, as always, will tell.

I am disappointed to hear that the West stands firm on the issue of the current bombardment of Lebanon by vociferously backing Israel. Disappointed and alarmed.
This is Tony Blair's reasoning, quoted from (see if it makes sense to you):

"UN chief Kofi Annan and UK PM Tony Blair have called for an international force to be sent to Lebanon.
The force could 'stop the bombardment coming over into Israel and therefore gives Israel a reason to stop its attacks on Hezbollah', Mr Blair said. "
bbc news on - full article here

If my calculations are right, there are 135500 westerners living in Lebanon (source). That is a hell of a lot of people to evacuate. Surely it would be a lot simpler to demand that BOTH sides stop attacking immediately and exchange ALL prisoners (soldiers, dissidents, intelligence people, academic etc).


16 July, 2006

ftdghj0=hkit hktohkswt#o[h#swghjkm#m';gfmb'gfdl;mbnd;'nFUCKINGLIVING

And so you find yourself unable to converse with your friends because you have nothing to say and when you try you come across like a miserable prick but the silence is deafening and you become aware once again just how fleeting and inconsequential things are. Days become weeks become months become nothing. Just wasted energy and, well, that's it. Another summer comes perpetually seeming shorter than the last and you wonder where it all goes and time is time and when you want none you have none and why do you go on when all you want to do is the opposite? Decisions, decisions..

12 July, 2006

I am, shit

Who are the biggest suckers? Those who pull the strings or those who are being pulled? Both. Ultimately none of it matters. Power is only such when sustained indefinitely, otherwise it is just a temporary storage of energy.
If nothing is linear, then nothing is permanent. If nothing is permanent then why bother?
My parents used to tell me, “if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.” Hence my recent silence.
No time, too much time. No desires, too many desires. Blablabla.
Life is indeed sad when you can no longer get enjoyment from a cold beer.
Why do I involve myself in other people's lives? Ultimately I don't care about them or their well being (nor my own, for that matter). If my inner and outer world could align itself would I be any more pleased to breathe? I want my time here to be a long, straight rail road heading off into the horizon in a vast empty desert, no end destination, no initial departure point, no stops.

How refreshing a mental breeze!

I can't live. Not with other people. Not with myself. Not with empty hopes, fears, instincts, urges, control or reason. Frankly, i no longer give a shit if the world is being polluted to fuck, if people die or get tortured, if everything is royally falling apart. I don't care if you want to save the world, or if you feel sorry for others. I don't care about your favourite band, I don't care about your fucking pet or your birthday or where you want to go on holiday next summer. I don't care about how shit or amazing your job is. I don't care that smoking kills. I don't care about sickness or health, love or hate, pleasure or pain. They're just emotions generated by electricity and DNA. It is all, for want of a better word, bollocks.

But I am too much of a chicken shit, and we all know it.