But seriously
What the hell are we all doing sitting idly watching a 60-year old nation destroying the world? I am no fan of terrorism, but I am definitely no fan of Israel, the root of all political problems facing the world today. The holocaust happened, of this there can be no denying, but does that give Israeli citizens the right to treat everyone else like second rate human beings? How time changes things.
Western nations are desperately scrambling to evacuate citizens from Lebanon. Instead of this pathetic panic, why don't the West (and I never include Israel in this group) use their muscle and finally tell Israel to show some compassion, rationale and pride and stop their 'mini-imperialist' and quite frankly disgusting policy of using high-tech US weapons to attack innocent civilians? When the allied forces bombed Germany in WW2, did that make the German people rise against their Nazi leaders? No. So why on Earth should it work when Israel try the same tactic on the Middle East? And just in case you are wondering, I am NOT comparing the Middle East to Nazi Germany.
Many cultures people were displaced by Norwegian rule during the Viking age and relocated to modern day Iceland. Should they have a right today to claim Norway as their chosen land? Hardly. Any decision made with the justification of religious belief is stupid, inane and extremely counterproductive. The people who actually believe this drivel are even more mentally bereft.
Religion is the ultimate form of denial. Acts of blatant violence carried out in the name of religion is just plain idiotic. Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. All fucking losers. I can only re-iterate what I've previously said;
When the bible and the Koran where written, people still believed the Earth was flat. Does anyone refute this today? I doubt it. But scores of people still live their lives based on a view of the world concocted before the invention of penicillin.
Move out of the mental dark ages, have some fucking balls to stand on your own without hiding behind the laughable concept of an almighty, BENEVOLENT god. If god is so great, how come so many people suffer?
I say fuck god (in all his or hers permutation) and face the facts. We're all going to die, god or no god. Deal with it, but don't kill innocent people in the process.
Surely any god justifying this must be an undesirable master whose teachings should be questioned to the point of dispute. .
Move on.
Western nations are desperately scrambling to evacuate citizens from Lebanon. Instead of this pathetic panic, why don't the West (and I never include Israel in this group) use their muscle and finally tell Israel to show some compassion, rationale and pride and stop their 'mini-imperialist' and quite frankly disgusting policy of using high-tech US weapons to attack innocent civilians? When the allied forces bombed Germany in WW2, did that make the German people rise against their Nazi leaders? No. So why on Earth should it work when Israel try the same tactic on the Middle East? And just in case you are wondering, I am NOT comparing the Middle East to Nazi Germany.
Many cultures people were displaced by Norwegian rule during the Viking age and relocated to modern day Iceland. Should they have a right today to claim Norway as their chosen land? Hardly. Any decision made with the justification of religious belief is stupid, inane and extremely counterproductive. The people who actually believe this drivel are even more mentally bereft.
Religion is the ultimate form of denial. Acts of blatant violence carried out in the name of religion is just plain idiotic. Jews, Muslims and Christians alike. All fucking losers. I can only re-iterate what I've previously said;
When the bible and the Koran where written, people still believed the Earth was flat. Does anyone refute this today? I doubt it. But scores of people still live their lives based on a view of the world concocted before the invention of penicillin.
Move out of the mental dark ages, have some fucking balls to stand on your own without hiding behind the laughable concept of an almighty, BENEVOLENT god. If god is so great, how come so many people suffer?
I say fuck god (in all his or hers permutation) and face the facts. We're all going to die, god or no god. Deal with it, but don't kill innocent people in the process.
Surely any god justifying this must be an undesirable master whose teachings should be questioned to the point of dispute. .
Move on.
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