
17 July, 2006

Isn't it time someone told Israel to stop destroying the world?

Don't really know where to start. Every week something happens in the Middle East or Asia that makes me think, right this time it will really kick off. And yet although an escalation of some sort is undeniably taking place, I am still waiting for that flint to hit the gunpowder much in the same way as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand provided the catalyst for world war one and consequently world war two. When I say waiting I don't' mean I rub my hands in glee at the prospect. I'm cynical but not evil. I do however expect there to be some singular event which finally makes the water boil and all hell breaks loose. I may be wrong, it may just be gradual escalation. Time, as always, will tell.

I am disappointed to hear that the West stands firm on the issue of the current bombardment of Lebanon by vociferously backing Israel. Disappointed and alarmed.
This is Tony Blair's reasoning, quoted from (see if it makes sense to you):

"UN chief Kofi Annan and UK PM Tony Blair have called for an international force to be sent to Lebanon.
The force could 'stop the bombardment coming over into Israel and therefore gives Israel a reason to stop its attacks on Hezbollah', Mr Blair said. "
bbc news on - full article here

If my calculations are right, there are 135500 westerners living in Lebanon (source). That is a hell of a lot of people to evacuate. Surely it would be a lot simpler to demand that BOTH sides stop attacking immediately and exchange ALL prisoners (soldiers, dissidents, intelligence people, academic etc).



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