
12 July, 2005

Sort it out

Originally uploaded by omni1.

And how are you going to abolish capitalism? Who owns it? It's a concept.
Humans make the world a bad place, not capitalism. Capitalism is not simply the idea of profit, although most abolish activists fail to see that.
Human nature makes us focus on profits and acts of self-preservation.
We are to blame.
There's no use in pointing a finger at capitalism (the evil 'entity') when we should look at ourselves.
People instinctively have the interests of themselves and those genetically closest to them at heart first and foremost. The next step down the ladder individuals have the interests of their immediate culture and way of life (religion for example) at heart.
This has been proven time and time again. In fact, we are genetically programmed to look after and ensure the survival of our family. Brothers / sisters first, then children, then cousins and so on. Basically we are intent on ensuring that our genetic chain gets perpetuated.
Doesn't sound unreasonable.
But that is why we in the west have capitalism and every poor kid in Africa wants it.
You can't tell a poor, uneducated child in the third world that Nike trainers are bad because of the exploitation involved in their production. I'll bet you anything he would still want a pair. Greed is human.
But of course there is greed associated with attempting to provide the best and as much comfort for your family to ensure they can continue your genetic line, and then there is greed for the hell of it.
My point is, that capitalism is the combined desires of all those who inhabit it. Capitalism doesn't have to be bad because of this.
No one thought organic vegetables would take off because they were so expensive. Now some would argue that expensive things get sold less than cheap things, because everyone wants to make a profit.
What happened? Sales of organic food products has steadily risen. You see once humans had decided that they really WANTED to eat organic food, for whatever justification, they didn't mind paying a bit more. As a result prices have too been dropping (slowly but surely). This is capitalism. It is just another word for a market place.
Now both the US and the UK are investing in developing clean fuels. The US is in the process of making hydrogen a viable and completely clean solution for replacing fossil fuels. * here * and * here *. Scotland is making a plant that extracts hydrogen from natural gas to use for power supply. * here * The carbon dioxide that produced in the extraction process is captured and sent down into north sea oil reserves. Not only do they produce a clean fuel, hydrogen, but by injecting the carbon dioxide into the oil reserves, the extent the life span of the reserves by %20.
Honda are the first but all other car companies will follow with small scale production of hydrogen fuelled cars. * here *
Once the zeitgeist becomes “let’s drive hydrogen cars, because we care (and they cost the same, it makes me morally superior etc)”, all the car companies will be forced to make them. Supply and Demand. Capitalism doesn’t care either way, because it can’t. It just caters for our desires.
So you see, WE are to blame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abolish capitalism and replace it with what exactly? Rationing? Chaos? A dictatorial regime?

The problems exhibited by the capitalist system are just an expression of the needs and wishes of all the people involved (i.e. CONSUMERS). It is comparable to the internet- an uncensored, unadulterated representation of human life. The problems are internal in each individual. Selfish greed is what needs to be abolished, not a system that caters and allows for human freedoms. If you want to fight the problems highlighted by capitalism use yr power as a CONSUMER- Don't support oil based energy systems; Don't by McDonalds; Don't use aeroplanes etc.; and use your efforts to persuade the majority that they should follow suit. Thus democracy can display its power over the blights of human nature...

12:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point, I couldn't have said it better, so I didn't. (Joep)

1:36 pm  

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