
25 November, 2005

George Best - Fuck you

He's dead!

When I woke up this morning he was still alive. Now he is dead. Bring on the weekend!

He may have been "one of the best players the world has ever seen" according to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Bertie Ahern.
But he was also a dickhead.

"In the days ahead people will struggle with words to try to describe his talent," Mr Ahern said. What about 'Pissface', or 'Drunken 59 year old has-been' ?

If getting pissed and going broke is a talent, then I'm extremely gifted.

"In this regard George should be remembered as the very best at what he did. He was quite simply a football genius."

I would rather be a human genius. When was the last time a football won the Nobel prize?

I am going to get very drunk, get laid (fingers crossed) and probably take some drugs. Not necessarily in that order. Hopefully I too will be remembered as a genius inaminate object.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could not agree more! (Joep)

2:58 pm  

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