
28 October, 2005

I wanna be extinct by 2013

So what if the world is falling apart and us humans are to blame?
I don't give a shit, really.
I didn't create the world, and neither did some 'phantom' greater entity or 'god' (such a laughable concept it's almost not funny).
Pollution, overcrowding, the eroding of natural species, the exhausting of natural resources and everything else boring do-gooder's get incensed about - shut up or shoot yourself!

I don't particularly miss the dodo or the sabre-tooth tiger. Can you think of anyone that does?

Sure, it's nice being able to walk in a lush green forest in the summer time, but it is even nicer to sit in a heated house with the kettle on watching the Simpsons on a winter's night.

Why do people (and by this I mean idiots, because that is what we are; animals with delusions of grandeur) assume that we can take care of the planet and become our own 'gods' ?
"We'll save this, we'll stop that. Bla bla….".
Fuck off!
What's all this 'we' business?
If you want to spend your pathetic and ultimately pointless existence 'fighting for a cause' go ahead. And then what? You die, and none of it has mattered one bit.

Humans are animals, and I for one couldn't give a shit if we became extinct.
I am more concerned about the fact that Arsenal are lagging behind in the Premier League.

Extinction is death, death is extinction. Death is life, so life must be extinction.
If you think about it, every time a human dies, a percentage (however minuscule) of our planet's species and particular genetic make-up has gone forever.

Extinction IS life!

Let's rejoice . If you want to really live, kill!

Just don't blame me if you get arrested (which by the way is so 20th century - anyone with a criminal record is obviuosly a moron. Getting caught for a crime is like going for a shit without ensuring that an adequate supply of toilet paper is present beforehand).

A little violence never hurt anyone.


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