
25 July, 2005

My Premise

Seeing as no one reads my previous posts and as a result get highly incensed by comments in my recent ones, I think perhaps I should clarify something:
I commend all people who strongly believe in a better world for all, and who are not afraid to voice their opinions and attempt to facilitate change. If my comments offend any such individuals, they haven't been following my posts. I think we can all agree that there is much room for improvement, despite there not being much room for humans.
My beef is with people who try to impose their views on the majority without doing so in a productive or positive manner, and who see it as their duty to oppose the people whose support we all need for things to get better. The work of people who want a better world is crucial for such an event to take place. Why do they accept having their just causes hijacked by 'idealists' who would be just as happy in a Hitler jugend uniform as their chosen semi-guerilla outfits?
What message was sent out by protesters at the G8?
No one knows because all the public saw on the news was a group of teenage 'rebels' dressed in black intent on fighting the police. Where was the message? If it was 'Smash Kapital', then I'm afraid no ground will ever be won. To most people watching things unfold, the message could just as easily have been "we want to cause trouble and have a go. Fuck the police and fuck you." Which is commendable if your peer group is 18 year old criminals. Not so if you aim to convince the majority of society of your 'alternative'.
All good work done by concerned citizens and peaceful promoters of change is negated by the action of a few, in my view ignorant louts whose alternative to the status quo seems to be one of chaos, violence and lack of respect for others.
Maybe I haven't made this point clear and if so I apologise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carlsson, what are these strong reactions you are talking about? Perhaps you could post them too? Just an idea. I totally agree with this piece. Keep it up! (Joep)

4:14 pm  
Blogger tseuq said...

Not sure I follow, Joep?

6:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Seeing as no one reads my previous posts and as a result get highly incensed by comments in my recent ones, I think perhaps I should clarify something" I was talking about these comments you are referring to. What are they and to what are they responding? (Joep)

10:32 am  
Blogger tseuq said...

An anomymous person has taken it upon him / herself to argue with me point by point with regards to my statements about capitalism, activism and so on. Problem is, however, that said person doesn't READ my entries, just argues with my views.
So I find myself continuously having to re-iterate what I've actually said. To no avail, I may add.
Of course I am happy to argue my views - that is the whole point of this blog. I just wish people would take the time to properly read what I say and THEN argue with me, instead of just blindly 'having a go' because I don't see capitalism and society as the evil force in our world.
Check out the comments from 'A bullet to the head' and 'Another one' and you may see what I mean!
Please feel free to join in!

2:09 pm  

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