
13 October, 2005

China enter a new K-hole

"Chinese police have uncovered the largest international ketamine smuggling in China since 1949, seizing 1,010 kilograms of ketamine, according to a spokesman for China's Ministry of Public Security. Chinese police got information in July that an international drug trafficking gang planned to smuggle more than one ton of ketamine from India to Chinese mainland. The drug was hidden in 700 barrels of chemical material and transported from India's Bombay to Yantai, in east China's Shangdong province, via Singapore and the Republic of Korea. The smugglers planned to transport the drug to south China's Guangdong Province for sale".

One ton????

Jesus Christ that is a lot of K.
In my estimation it would have a street value in the UK of £10.1million. Either China has an unusual amount of animals in need of anastethics, or thousands of filthy Spanish and Polish squatters have moved to Asia.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In my estimation it would have a street value in the UK of £10.1million."

I want to see your math pls?

12:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, you started again!

3:22 pm  
Blogger tseuq said...

OK Toadie:

1g K in the UK goes for about £10.
1.01 ton = 1010000g x £10 = £1.01m.
Uncut it would obviously sell for more than £10 a gram, but my calculation is a minimum amount.

6:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the cops or worse the media ... working street value on gram basis when your talking about importing tons?
This doesn't help anybody but does make for a more impressive headline... blahh blahh blahh blahh

12:29 am  
Blogger tseuq said...

what are you talking about?

10:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I was pished, I did have a point but its gone now.

12:44 pm  

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