
12 August, 2005

Gate Gourmet Staff Don't Deserve Their Jobs - Fucking Fire Them All

They should fire the lot!
Gate Gourmet has always made shit food, now their staff make shit decisions!
I have no sympathy for those who were fired. We live in a capitalist society, - look after yourself or fuck off.
And what is all this sympathy striking? If I went on strike because the local sandwich shop had sacked some staff, I would get the sack, and rightfully so.
Illegal strikes are holding this fucking country to ransom. BRING BACK THATCHER!
It doesn’t exactly sound like Gate Gourmet was doing that well anyway, so realistically either they fire some or they fire all. If Gate Gourmet is going bust, how exactly are they going to support their employees? And don't suggest the government should step in, - I ain't paying more taxes on top of what I already do just to ensure that some low-skilled, ignorant 'catering' staff can remain in a company that has gone bust.
They should have signed up to LearnDirect and gained some new skills.
If a company is underperforming to such an extent as Gate Gourmet is, people lose their jobs.
Get over it. Get a new job. The world needs toilet cleaners too, and I am sure the Gate Gourmet staff could transfer their skills to that industry quite easily. Then they could strike in sympathy every time someone has to take a shit. Hurrah!!
Had I been a customer at Heathrow I would gladly have faced prosecution for punching some Gate Gourmet moron right where it fucking hurts. What about the financial implications for all the people stranded? 15,000, many of whom are NOT rich, privileged people, who have saved up or months, perhaps even years to go abroad, only for some lazy twats to go on strike so they can stay in bed. The people who didn't get the sack should be fucking thankful they still have employment. This is not Russia, Danny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bring back thatcher?

slow down there carlsson.

if you bring her back, non of us would have jobs.

6:07 pm  
Blogger tseuq said...

That's probably because NON of you deserve them :)
Prior to Thatcher becoming PM, Britain was the third poorest country in Europe.
Half of the fucking country was on strike, the rest were unemployed. If it wasn't for Thatcher you'd be working in a subsidised, empty coal mine in Lancashire and paying half your salary to a union intent on making you not earn your pay out of 'sympathy'for other strikers. She would never have introduced ID cards, that is for sure.
I can't really see how privatisation of the public services has made them any worse? Besides, it's either more tax or less public servants.
She did many a bad thing, too. Of course.
But is Tony Blair a saint? Are we better off now?
In a (prolonged) war with Iraq (Blair)
ID cards (Blair - The Tories under Thatcher may have discussed it, but they never tried to introduce it)
Millenium Dome (Blair - £1bn plus to date of public money)
Transport (Blair - Network Rail / Railtrack / Strategic Rail Authority - in essence all failed attempts at holding private companies responsible and accountable)
Did I mention Iraq?

Look, I am actually not trying to sing Maggie's praise, all I am saying is, everything being relative, why is she and her regime so derised and detested, when our current leader is getting away with murder, almost literally? I think she was responsible for dragging Britain into the 20th century. Blair is responisble for dragging Britain into a third world war. Give the anti-Tatcher thing a rest. We don't live in the eighties anymore. Your parents and as a result you survived the eighties, right? In what way did you, personally suffer? At the end of the day, if there is no demand for a product or service, that product or service goes out of business. That is life, and is as relevant to capitalism as it is to say, a nomadic life. When nature goes against you you are fucked. Instead of hunting for food, and perhaps starving as a result of catching none, we go to work, and perhaps go on the dole if we lose or can't get one.

6:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who propped up Saddam in the first place?

Who supported the First Gulf war and the second one?

Who is best buddies with Augusto Pinochet, that charming old torturing/killing dictator?

Who grossly underfunded transport/NHS/education during the eighties in this country, of which we are still suffering its legacy now?

and erm...whose party came up with the idea of the Milenium Dome in the first place?

I sincerely think that the majority of people who lived in this country during the eighties(and thus would have actually experienced the Thatcher years) would say they're better off now.

7:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prior to Thatcher becoming PM, Britain was the third poorest country in Europe.

We were/are paying for a rather large war and owed America a lot of cash. When Thatcher was done, we ended with England in the depths of a recession.

Half of the fucking country was on strike, the rest were unemployed.


If it wasn't for Thatcher you'd be working in a subsidised, empty coal mine in Lancashire and paying half your salary to a union intent on making you not earn your pay out of 'sympathy'for other strikers.

Based on what exactly?

She would never have introduced ID cards, that is for sure.

Who said she would?

I can't really see how privatisation of the public services has made them any worse?

Asides from lack of accountability and the fact that public services are now run by the private sector, and have to make money for their investors as opposed to being reinvested in to the system.

Besides, it's either more tax or less public servants.


She did many a bad thing, too. Of course. But is Tony Blair a saint?


Are we better off now?


In a (prolonged) war with Iraq (Blair)
ID cards (Blair - The Tories under Thatcher may have discussed it, but they never tried to introduce it)
Millenium Dome (Blair - £1bn plus to date of public money)
Transport (Blair - Network Rail / Railtrack / Strategic Rail Authority - in essence all failed attempts at holding private companies responsible and accountable)
Did I mention Iraq?

Yes but its irrelevant.

Look, I am actually not trying to sing Maggie's praise, all I am saying is, everything being relative, why is she and her regime so derised and detested, when our current leader is getting away with murder, almost literally?

I wouldn't say that, we all know he's on his way out. Maggie and Tony are derided in equal measure.

I think she was responsible for dragging Britain into the 20th century. Blair is responisble for dragging Britain into a third world war.

Possibly, what does that have to do with bringing back Thatcher.

Give the anti-Tatcher thing a rest. We don't live in the eighties anymore. Your parents and as a result you survived the eighties, right?

Only just.

In what way did you, personally suffer?

Financially, and things are better under labour.

At the end of the day, if there is no demand for a product or service, that product or service goes out of business.

Fair enough. Whose arguing with that?

That is life, and is as relevant to capitalism as it is to say, a nomadic life. When nature goes against you you are fucked. Instead of hunting for food, and perhaps starving as a result of catching none, we go to work, and perhaps go on the dole if we lose or can't get one.

What the fuck are you banging on about?
Are you out for confrontation or discussion?
I think you’re a little off topic.

And who the fuck is leanordtheobold3192 can you delete his post?

3:06 pm  

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