
01 July, 2005

Time isn't on your side

Only an hour to go of this snoozy, humid and long Friday. No amount of coffee can wake me up, it's as if I am locked in a mode of mental fatigue and physical restraint.
As the fan positioned behind me in the minuscule office I share with my boss and the IT guy goes through another 180 degrees arc, I glance naively at my watch. Time, and indeed everything else in this cage of a workplace, is standing still. A static moment in time, repeated over a hundred Fridays like this one, probably all over the world. Fighting to keep my eyes from closing and just giving in to the semi-musical audio debris of a million aircon systems and a million words being typed on well-used keyboards.
Must resist. So little time to go. Outside the clouds are gathering and another fantastically rainy summer weekend is beckoning. Dreaming of being free, of having no worries in the world, of being master of my own time and destiny.
Right now someone somewhere is enjoying the freedom that only having no job and no discernible future allows. Free to wander the streets, free to wake up late and watch afternoon TV, free to get lost in the galleries and museums of the city.
Once that person was me, however I never fully enjoyed the freedom I had. I never took full advantage, and the days became years. Time passes too fast when you have all of it in the world.
Without a purpose, tomorrow becomes yesterday, yesterday becomes today.
If I could do it all over again I would, but this time I would enjoy it for what it's worth, guilt-free, care free and without direction.


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